Not Forgotten

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Will Yurman of the Rochester Democrat and Chronicle turned a daily assignment covering a memorial service into a year-long project exploring the lives behind the statistics. To create Not Forgotten, last year he visited the families of every homicide victim and created short multimedia portraits of those who had been killed. One good thing about living in Rochester, New York is that all the homicides fit in a single flash window. But bravo for imagining the people behind the numbers and chasing down every story.

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The Whale Hunt

Last May, photographer Jonathan Harris spent 9 days living with a family of Inupiat Eskimos in Barrow, Alaska, joining them as they prepared and then went on a traditional whale hunt. During that time, he took 3,214 photographs at five-minute intervals (even while sleeping, using a chronometer), mimicking a "photographic heartbeat", with the pace increasing during intense moments. The site that he put together, The Whale Hunt, initially displays all of the images in a large mosaic, but once you've entered the site, viewing possibilities seem endless. Images can be filtered by cadence, color, context, concepts, and cast, viewed by day, hour or minute, or just simply watched as a slideshow the entire way through.

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The Stumping Grounds

Even though the election is over a year away, coverage has begun. A group of six freelance photographers has spent the last five months in Iowa covering the 2008 Presidential Campaign, and will remain there through the caucus in January. These photographers are providing an indepth look at all of the campaigns coming through this important election state, from the candidate visits to the local preparations. New photos are posted daily to their site, The Stumping Grounds.

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Call for applications: Documentary Workshop in the Mississippi Delta

Barefoot Workshops has announced a call for applications for a 2 Week Documentary Workshop in The Mississippi Delta, beginning February 17th, 2008. This 2-week DV workshop is designed for photojournalists who are looking to make the move to videojournalism and the web, new documentary filmmakers who want to launch their careers in web and television documentaries and for those with experience in some aspects of filmmaking that are looking to expand their skill, understanding and mastery of the whole process. Producers, cinematographers, editors and writers with narrative experience who are considering working in non-fiction filmmaking are also encouraged to enroll. This workshop is ideal for working professionals who want to develop important skills, which will allow them to work with other filmmakers.   Students will learn all aspects of the process including the importance of the still image, DV camera, compact lighting methods, field sound, field editing and how to weave the story.…

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Eddie Adams Workshop Multimedia Presentations

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Each year, a few students are selected to not only shoot still images, but record audio as well. Each photographer works intensively with the multimedia team led by Brian Storm and Tom Kennedy to produce a full audio-visual piece within two days. The multimedia team included Robert Browman, Bob Sacha, Diane Cook, Jim Seida, Chad Stevens, Seth Gitner, Kainaz Amaria, Tim Klimowicz, Greg Harris, Miki Meek, Coburn Dukehart, Pauline Bartolone and Bob Croslin. See the projects on the Eddie Adams Workshop site.

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