Don’t miss- How innovative photo collectives could save photojournalism- today!

This has a lot of potential to be a great conversation. Don't miss it! Strength In Numbers: How innovative photo collectives could save photojournalism From Miki Johnson, RESOLVE Blog: Time: October 6, 2009- 15:00 GMT Location: Online Event Description: For many photographers, one of the hardest things about the current business paradigm is that it requires them to work totally on their own. Photographers not only have to make photos, record audio, and capture video, they are also running their own business, coming up with their own assignments, and marketing their own work. There are many innovative groups working against this trend, who understand the benefits of banding together with other creatives, including people with different skill sets, like marketing, accounting and design. This webinar will ask four such groups to answer three basic questions: 1. How are you running your organization? 2. What are the benefits for the photographers/professionals involved? 3.…

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Words of Wisdom: Chad A. Stevens on learning important multimedia skills

We're kicking off a new series on the blog, talking with educators and journalism students about the value of Journalism school and the multimedia skills students need to start their careers. There has been a lot of discussion lately on whether it's worth it to go to Journalism school, and whether students are learning the multimedia skills they need to be successful in a pretty rough market. As the school year gets back underway, we're getting more and more questions from students wondering what skills they need to acquire to land jobs. Obviously, there are no simple answers to these questions, but we hope to offer up some words of wisdom for students and others interested in the profession, especially during this time of transition. We're going to kick it off with Chad A. Stevens- a former MediaStorm Producer, who is now an Assistant Professor at UNC Chapel Hill. Where are you…

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MediaStorm publishes Driftless: Stories from Iowa

Driftless: Stories from Iowa by Danny Wilcox Frazier Life in Iowa can be punishing. Many Iowans expend their lives sweating over soil and spilling the blood of livestock; they endure the hardships associated with a life inextricably bound to the ups and downs of nature. Today, those challenges and a shift in our nation's economy have pushed the youth of rural communities to migrate to the metropolises of America. Those left in the wake of this out-migration continue their lives, seemingly unchanged from the generations that preceded them, and entombed in obscurity. The tension of contemporary rural life plays out here: the struggle of a family farm to continue, disenfranchised youth, the slaughterhouse, migrant labor, and the aged fading from Iowa's mythical landscape. Through their stories we gain insight to a way of life that is disappearing, a culture that could be lost forever. As "community" continues to be homogenized in zones…

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Inspiration from Focus Awards Lifetime Achievement Award winner Eliane Laffont

The Griffin Museum's 2009 Focus Awards ceremony was held last week, recognizing "people who are not photographers, but who have been instrumental in increasing awareness of the photographic arts among the general public."  A well-deserved Lifetime Achievement award was given to Eliane Laffont, who has been a driving force in the industry for over 40 years. Those fortunate enough to be at the ceremony heard Eliane's speech, but for the rest of us, she has graciously allowed us to reprint it.  It's definitely worth a read: PHOTOJOURNALISM IS MY PASSION! “Photojournalism” is a word that evokes heroic stories and the call of adventure. It is a mirror of the world and a witness to its time. When Jean Pierre, and I — along with our French partners — created the photo agencies Gamma in 1968 and Sygma in 1973, we wanted to redefine the nature of photojournalism, reveal and explain the world's…

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Register now- Kalish Workshop deadline is May 15

From Scott Sines, Director of the Kalish Workshop: Time is running short to register for this year’s Kalish Workshop in visual editing. The deadline is May 15 and we have only eight spots left. We are in our twentieth year and have a great reputation industry wide. This year only, for $500 you get five full days (June 12-14) of intense instruction in cross-platform visual storytelling from a faculty that includes Emmy winners Geri Migliecz and Brian Storm, as well as, visual editors who have worked on Pulitzer Prize winning projects, including Sue Morrow and Randy Cox. Other regulars on The Kalish faculty include Kenny Irby, John Rumbach, Mark Edelson and others. The core faculty has worked together on this program for many years and will be present during the week providing ample time to answer your questions. This year’s workshop is sharply focused on multimedia storytelling and managing resources/visuals across platforms.…

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