Support “Island of Widows” by Ed Kashi

Please Support ‘Island of Widows’ from Talking Eyes Media on Vimeo.

Photojournalist, filmmaker and educator Ed Kashi has dedicated his career to documenting the social and political issues that define our times. His next project takes him to Nicaragua, where sugar cane workers are dying in record numbers from kidney failure, and no one seems to know why.

Help make this project possible through IndieVoices.

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Support Ami Vitale’s Latest Project to Combat Poaching in Kenya

Photographer and filmmaker Ami Vitale‘s work has taken her to over 85 countries. Her stories tell of the endurance of the human spirit and nature in the face of overwhelming odds. For her next project, she hopes to combat poaching in Kenya by focusing on the indigenous people of Northern Kenya and their efforts to end poaching on ancestral lands by preserving their traditional way of life and strengthening their communities.

You can contribute to making this project a reality through IndieVoices

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