UnionDocs ‘Ritual and Magic’ workshop coming up in late October

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You are currently viewing UnionDocs ‘Ritual and Magic’ workshop coming up in late October

Our friends at UnionDocs are holding their latest workshop in NYC later this month.

About the workshop:

UnionDocs is seeking multimedia explorers of all stripes for our upcoming workshop Ritual and Magic: Portals for Audiovisual Creation & Healing, coming up on October 27 — 29 at UnionDocs!
The workshop will be led by visual artist, curator and researcher Ruth Somalo.
This is an extra special and expansive workshop that will take participants on a journey to investigate how rituals may nourish their artistic practices and how they may approach creating, portraying and documenting new ways of enacting and understanding rituals and magical practices through moving images.
We will have a stellar line-up of visiting artists such as Raisa Maudit (The Vampire Manifesto), Andrés Senra (Rituales Queer), Bradley Eros (Open Sesame), Theo Cuthand (Medicine Bundle), as well as medium Tiffany Hopkins who will guide sessions exploring healing through cinematic processes, queer and feminist approaches to enacting rituals, acts of ecstatic celebration via myriad media, as well as connections with the dead, planetary bodies and plant allies!

About UnionDocs:

UnionDocs is a Center for Documentary Art that presents, produces, publishes, and educates. We lead a diverse community on a search for urgent expressions of the human experience, practical perspectives on the world today, and compelling visions for the future.

Visit the UnionDocs workshop page to learn more and enroll.