The Kalish Workshop now accepting applications

For anyone looking to advance their career in 2009: Okay here's the deal. And you don't have to read Brian's loooooooong commencement speech to get it. God have mercy. This year only, for $500 you get five days of intense instruction in visual storytelling from a faculty that includes Emmy winners Geri Migliecz and Brian Storm, as well as, visual editors who have worked on Pulitzer Prize winning projects, including Sue Morrow and Randy Cox. Other regulars on The Kalish faculty include Kenny Irby, John Rumbach, Mark Edelson and others. This year's workshop is sharply focused on multimedia storytelling and managing resources/visuals across platforms. The traditional Kalish values of ethical decision making in journalism and management remain. The workshop begins with a hands-on session in FinalCutPro, progresses through picture selection, multiple picture editing and news judgment, to multimedia and management. Take this opportunity to invest in yourself. It's a real deal. Email…

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