Register now- Kalish Workshop deadline is May 15

From Scott Sines, Director of the Kalish Workshop: Time is running short to register for this year’s Kalish Workshop in visual editing. The deadline is May 15 and we have only eight spots left. We are in our twentieth year and have a great reputation industry wide. This year only, for $500 you get five full days (June 12-14) of intense instruction in cross-platform visual storytelling from a faculty that includes Emmy winners Geri Migliecz and Brian Storm, as well as, visual editors who have worked on Pulitzer Prize winning projects, including Sue Morrow and Randy Cox. Other regulars on The Kalish faculty include Kenny Irby, John Rumbach, Mark Edelson and others. The core faculty has worked together on this program for many years and will be present during the week providing ample time to answer your questions. This year’s workshop is sharply focused on multimedia storytelling and managing resources/visuals across platforms.…

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MediaStorm offering Multimedia Storytelling seminar at LOOK3

We are excited to announce that we will be partnering with LOOK3 to offer a one-day Multimedia Storytelling seminar, prior to the Festival of the Photograph this summer.  Whether you're already producing multimedia stories, or are interested but don't know where to start, this workshop with Brian Storm will get you on the right path. The workshop will be focusing primarily on multimedia methodology and theory - this is not designed to teach you how to use your new audio recorder - it's a workshop where you will be asked to look deeper, into the when and why of different storytelling techniques and approaches. The Workshop will be held from 10am-6pm on June 10, 2009, in Charlottesville, VA.  We hope to see you there! What you will learn: Narrative Storytelling - Examples of successful projects - Developing the best approach for creating effective multimedia stories - Pros and cons of the various…

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Register now for the UNC Multimedia Bootcamp

UNC's Multimedia Bootcamp will be held May 17-22, 2009. With speakers and faculty including Len De Groot, Jay Heinz, Laura Ruel, Donny Lofland, Mike Schmidt, R. Scott Horner, and a keynote by our own Brian Storm, this is an opportunity you won't want to miss. From their site: "This workshop is designed for professional journalists who want to explore the various forms of multimedia storytelling and how they work together to create a cohesive package. The intensive, weeklong multimedia training program includes sessions on project planning, audio and video collection and editing, Flash animation and production, and ActionScript basics for journalists. While this multimedia training workshop draws many news photographers and visual journalists, reporters, web developers and all who need multimedia training are welcome." Registration is limited to the first 20 who sign up and pay, so don't wait.  For more info, visit their site.

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MediaStorm’s 2009 Workshop Dates Announced

Dates for the 2009 MediaStorm Advanced Multimedia Reporting Workshops have been announced: Workshop Four: March 7-13, 2009 - Application Deadline: Friday January 23, 2009 Workshop Five: May 2-8, 2009 - Application Deadline: Monday March 30, 2009 Workshop Six: August 8-14, 2009 - Application Deadline: Wednesday July 1, 2009 The MediaStorm Multimedia Reporting Workshop in New York City is an intensive, hands-on educational experience in advanced multimedia storytelling. Over the course of a week, participants will work in three-person teams, reporting and editing in collaboration with a MediaStorm Producer to create a multimedia project for distribution across multiple platforms. Each team will produce a professional-quality, ready-for-publication multimedia story. See the site for more information, or to apply for the Workshops. Projects from past Workshops:

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