Kingsley’s Crossing on MSNBC, plus Q&A on Multimedia Syndication

Starting in May 2004, award-winning photojournalist Olivier Jobard spent six months documenting the journey of Kingsley from Cameroon to France. The original award-winning piece was first published on MediaStorm in July of 2006, and was recently syndicated by MSNBC to be included as part of a story about The Changing Face of Europe. On the site, Kingsley’s story is presented in five sections and includes an interview with Jobard about the risks involved in documenting Kingsley’s epic journey. Many of the stories being produced for are also being licensed for publication in other places. I asked Brian Storm to give us a little insight into how that’s working and what they’re doing. Q: How do you syndicate a multimedia piece? What does that mean? Storm: Our goal is to get stories seen by as wide an audience as possible, so if we can take advantage of the of clients, those who…

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Forty years ago yesterday (June 3), Aretha Franklin was #1 on the Billboard Charts, with her recording of 'Respect'. The Detroit Free Press has put together a detailed look at the song, it's origins, and the era surrounding it. There are several videos, covering everything from the story of the song to interviews with other musicians, sociologists, and producers, along with photos, the article, and other features. Check out the multimedia package, then get the song.

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The Price of Sex

Documentary photographer Mimi Chakarova looks into the lives of young East European women trafficked into the sex trade, in "The Price of Sex", the debut story for PBS's flashPOINT series. It is estimated that between 200,000 and 400,000 have been trafficked from Moldova, to be exploited as sex workers, factory workers, maids, and other laborers. In an interview about the story, Chakarova says, "I hope that it will enable people to see this story from a different angle. I hope that the sadness it leaves will push people to find out more about what can be done." PBS introduced the flashPOINT program in January 2007, as part of their FRONTLINE/World series, which also includes documentary videos.

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