Now Playing: Inside Tracks by Rick Smolan

We are pleased to present Inside Tracks with renowned photographer Rick Smolan. In 1977, Robyn Davidson walked 1,700 miles across the Australian outback alone with only four camels to carry her gear and her beloved dog, Diggity, as her companion. National Geographic sent Rick Smolan to photograph her perilous journey. It took Davidson nine months to complete the trip, traveling through the barren desert landscape—the journey tested and transformed them both, forming a friendship and an immutable bond that continues to this day. The journey was adapted into a major motion picture inspired by Robyn’s journey and Rick’s photography. Want more Tracks? Support Rick's Kickstarter campaign to publish a book based on Robyn Davidson’s legendary camel trek. Make your pledge on Kickstarter.

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MediaStorm Launches Kickstarter Campaign for Hungry Horse by Pieter ten Hoopen

It's been nearly a decade since Pieter ten Hoopen's photography of American people and landscapes grabbed our attention. For over a year, MediaStorm has been collaborating with Pieter on a documentary film called Hungry Horse. Today we launch a Kickstarter campaign to complete the film and bring the everyday legends of Hungry Horse, Montana to the world. The Project In Hungry Horse, Pieter ten Hoopen touches on the struggles of poverty, drug use and loss. But he more accurately captures the spirit of renewal, peace and serenity in the lives of the people he documents through stunning landscapes and intimate oral histories. Hungry Horse follows the mythical structure of its subjects'  lives—Charlie Krasselt, Brad Lee Bruursema and Katie Kosnoff—and it is through their stories, and ten Hoopen’s powerful imagery that we learn about the timeless cycle of adventure, loss and renewal. Your Part By contributing this campaign, you will help us with the editing…

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July 2014 MediaStorm Storytelling Workshop Takes A Trip to Coney Island

We are proud to present our newest workshop project, produced in the July 2014 MediaStorm Storytelling Workshop. From July 14 to 18, 2014 a team of filmmakers, writers and photographers converged in Brooklyn to tell the story of Coney Island through the eyes of Coney Island Jay. During the workshop, participants worked directly with MediaStorm staff to create an intimate, character-driven documentary in just one week. Jay Singer has been in love with one Brooklyn neighborhood his entire life. He grew up there, pined for it when he was forced to leave and returned when he couldn’t stand to be away one more day. His life’s work is an unfinished 1200 page book about the place. He currently gives three-hour tours explaining its history. Through Jay’s vast historical knowledge, we learn about what makes this iconic neighborhood so special, and how that past may impact its future. 2014 Workshop Dates MediaStorm provides intensive,…

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MediaStorm Presents: 60 Years for USAID

MediaStorm was enlisted by Goodfight Media, a digital storytelling organization, to bring to life a photographic history of USAID’s Food For Peace program. The film’s purpose, outside of highlighting the program’s humble beginnings and accomplishments, is to introduce the world to the new strategies being employed in food aid. 60 Years is not only a testament to Food For Peace’s accomplishments and commitment to eliminating hunger across the world, but an example of the tenacity and talent of MediaStorm's motion graphics team. Find out more about our motion graphics capabilities in the film's case study. Visit to learn about USAID and its commitment to ending extreme global poverty.

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Coming Soon: The War Comes Home

MediaStorm is proud to announce The War Comes Home, our first collaboration with Soledad O'Brien's Starfish Media Group, will debut on CNN on Tuesday, August 12th, 2014 at 9 p.m. EST and will encore at 12:00 a.m. EST, and on Sunday, August 17th at 7:00 p.m. EST. A recent study found that one in five veterans from the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan suffers from post traumatic stress, traumatic brain injury, or severe depression. Our film follows two of these men - Delon Beckett and Garrett Combs. Both suffer from post-traumatic stress, and both have decided they need a drastic change in their life, one that they can’t address on their own. Their hope for change comes from an organization called Save a Warrior. Founded by retired veteran Jake Clark, this five-and-half-day program claims it has found an answer. With families and communities hanging in the balance, The War Comes Home, is an…

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