One Day MediaStorm Workshop Dates Announced

MediaStorm is now offering one day multimedia storytelling workshops in Brooklyn, NY.

Saturday, February 18, 2012
Saturday, March 17, 2012

These one-day workshops provide an overview of multimedia storytelling approaches while engaging participants in discussion about the most appropriate ways to create a multimedia story. Through real world examples, Brian Storm will share tips and techniques to improve reporting and editing and discuss the most effective tools for specific jobs.

This workshop is designed for anyone interested in multimedia storytelling, no experience is necessary. We will be looking primarily at multimedia methodology and theory- this is not a workshop to learn how to use your new audio recorder- it’s a workshop where you will be asked to look deeper, into the when and why of different storytelling techniques and approaches.

For more information, please visit this page.

MediaStorm One-day WorkshopsMediaStorm One-day Workshops